EART @ 2023 Music China

EART @ 2023 Music China

Die Music China 2023 fand vom 11. bis 14. Oktober in Shanghai, China, statt. Am EART-Stand wimmelte es von Musikliebhabern aus aller Welt, die EART-Produkte unbedingt ausprobieren wollten.

Wir freuen uns, einige wundervolle Fotos mit Ihnen zu teilen!

Wir haben über 70 Modelle an E-Gitarren und Bässen mit zur Expo gebracht, darunter alle Topseller und neuen Modelle. Erde im Jahr 2023 Musik China
Unsere Kunden und wir hatten großen Spaß! Erde im Jahr 2023 Musik China
Erde im Jahr 2023 Musik China
Und wir freuen uns darauf, euch bald wiederzusehen.

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kopflose Gitarre der Erde Earth 380 Gitarre
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2 Kommentare

Keep me poster when you make a Tele that weighs 6.5 lbs. Most guitar look at weights of guitars Michael Kelly is making weight reduction guitars if you look at him he’s drilling holes in the back of the guitar to lighten up the weights I tried a couple of them I think they’re great but they don’t have stainless steel frets on them which I don’t like. They usually come in at around 6 1/2 pounds or just a little lighter but not heavier. The guitar is called a Michael Kelly enlightened take a look at it I’m trying to help you to sell your guitars better because weight means a lot when you’re holding the guitar on stage for three hours for shoulder starts hurting even with a big strap.


Think about making a 1-7/8 to 2 inch nut for us guitarists who play classical guitars. Hard to transition with a narrow nut. Do it and I’ll buy a tele Eart.


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