What addresses do you ship to?
- US warehouse is only open to US customers;
- CA warehouse is only open to CA customers;
- EU warehouse is only open to EU customers;
- CHN warehouse is open to worldwide customers.
Buyers are responsible for customs fees.
If orders from the EU warehouse to an EU country, there's no VAT/customs taxes.
We're not responsible for customsĀ dutiesĀ orĀ taxes,Ā asĀ theseĀ varyĀ dependingĀ onĀ theĀ customsĀ policiesĀ ofĀ differentĀ countries.
PleaseĀ beĀ awareĀ thatĀ ifĀ aĀ customerĀ refusesĀ deliveryĀ dueĀ toĀ customsĀ dutiesĀ orĀ taxes,Ā weĀ willĀ notĀ acceptĀ anyĀ requestsĀ forĀ orderĀ cancellationsĀ orĀ refunds.Ā WeĀ stronglyĀ encourageĀ ourĀ customersĀ toĀ communicateĀ withĀ usĀ effectivelyĀ toĀ addressĀ anyĀ concernsĀ relatedĀ toĀ customsĀ chargesĀ insteadĀ ofĀ refusingĀ delivery.
Shipping fee?
- Free shipping to all countries.
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